Build Your Own Picnic Basket
Build your own picnic basket

As city dwellers, one of the things we sometimes take for granted is to enjoy the outdoors. There’s something about being out on a beautiful day, especially when there’s a cool breeze wafting about, and you’re with good company. Nothing beats a day of just hanging out and shooting the breeze – after all this time being cooped up in our homes, certainly there is much catching up to do. Amid all this torrid storytelling, though, is the inevitable: at some point you’re going to get hungry. Here are a few recommendations for no-cook spreads to take on your next picnic.
A picnic always calls for some good cheese. How about some Fiscalini Old World Aged Cheddar, which you can eat with some A Buzz From The Bees Black Butt honey. If you’re feeling extra, you can also pick up some A Buzz From The Bees honeycomb – it’s fantastic!
Grazing box
Meats and cheese are another picnic must. Tierra de España’s salchichon always hits the spot, along with their chorizo Pamplona, and jamon de Bellota. For spreads, The Great Feta with Pistachio on crackers is the way to go.
What’s a picnic without the drinks? The Fruit Garden’s got a tart and delightful strawberry juice. Those that want something a little stronger can opt for ice cold beers from Monkey Eagle brewery, or a bottle of Soalheiro rosé
End your picnic on a sweet note with something simple but substantial like dark chocolate with coffee from Risa Chocolates or some sesame lengua de gato from The Creamery Catering. If you’re bringing a cooler with a ton of ice, consider bringing a pint of Gelato MNL’s dark chocolate gelato and a couple of Bubu Bars!
There you have it! Find a chill spot in your favorite natural setting, lay out a blanket, and feast away. This is the life we all want to be living. Enjoy!